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Minutes for SB166 - Committee on Education

Short Title

Exempting Cleveland university-Kansas City from the private and out-of-state postsecondary educational institution act.

Minutes Content for Thu, Feb 16, 2017

Chairperson Baumgardner opened up the meeting and thanked fellow Senators for staying late at the previous day's meeting to finish hearing testimony of the conferees.  She noted how important it is to ask those foundational questions, and she felt the post audit report did a good job of addressing the issues.  Chairperson Baumgardner mentioned that the Committee may circle around on some of these topics after turn around.

Chairperson Baumgardner called on Senator Bollier for a point of personal privilege.  Senator Bollier introduced Caroline Fromm, a student from Pembroke Hill Middle School in Kansas City. 

Chairperson Baumgardner then began the hearing on SB166.  Tamera Lawrence, Revisor of Statutes Office, gave a brief overview of the bill noting changes on line thirty-four.  Ms. Lawrence also presented a fiscal note. (Attachment 1)


Chairperson Baumgardner introduced Matt Lindsey, President of Kansas Independent College Association & Fund.  Mr. Lindsey presented as a proponent conferee on SB166.  Mr. Lindsey introduced Dr. Carl S. Cleveland lll, and noted that Dr. Cleveland would be in the audience if he was needed for additional questions.  Dr. Cleveland is President of Cleveland University-Kansas City, and a fourth-generation chiropractor, and the grandson of the founders of the college.  Mr. Lindsey noted that the school has four hundred and fifty-nine students, half coming from outside of Kansas.  He also stated that the purpose of adding Cleveland College to SB166 is to help improve efficiency and resources and he was happy to answer any questions. (Attachment 2)

Senator Pettey asked for clarification of the money this bill would save, and Mr. Lindsey helped address the dollar figure.

Chairperson Baumgardner stated the college started as an out-of-state institution and is a non-profit institution, noting this bill is a means of recognizing the college as now being an in-state institution.

With the introduction of SB166 and no further questions, Chairperson Baumgardner adjourned the meeting early at 1:50pm.