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Minutes for SB184 - Committee on Judiciary

Short Title

Authorizing the Kansas intelligence fusion center.

Minutes Content for Thu, Mar 9, 2017

Jenna Moyer gave a brief on the bill saying it puts into law what is already taking place in regard to the Kansas Intelligence Fusion Center, and went on to explain and describe each section of the bill.

Seeing no questions, Chairman Wilborn moved on to the next order of business.


Major General General Lee Tafanelli expressed his support (Attachment 1) for SB 184, saying that this bill enhances abilities to perform critical missions in three ways. 1.) It establishes the Kansas Intelligence Fusion Center (KIFC) as the official state fusion center, 2.) Solidifies the mission and purpose of KIFC and establishes appropriate oversight, and 3.) Allows for cost sharing agreements to be developed.

Charles Hunt shared his support (Attachment 2) of the bill by first explaining the diverse group of subject matter experts on the team on which he serves. He then explained the group's approach to assessing impacts on public safety and health in the State. Mr. Hunt gave an example of the group's impact on specific issues such as the Zika virus outbreak. He concluded by saying that the collaborative effort and this bill will ensure that the important work that their group does will continue.

Dr. Lee Norman expressed his support (Attachment 3) for the bill saying that he has a unique ability to see the benefits from many angles. He referred to the 2014 Ebola outbreak and expressed the extreme importance and benefits of having the KIFC helping him to handle the threat.

Bill Glynn began his testimony (Attachment 4) by explaining the connection between Westar and the KIFC. He explained that the information that is given to him by the KIFC helps Westar to know what modifications are needed to make to security.

Chairman Wilborn drew the Committee's attention to the written testimony submitted by Attorney General Derek Schmidt (Attachment 5), Director James Johnson (Attachment 6), Dr. Ron Trewyn (Attachment 7), and Senior Intelligence Analyst, Cody Bruce (Attachment 8).  The Chairman mentioned that Commissioner Jay Emler had planned to provide verbal testimony, however he had an illness, and the Chairman asked the Committee to pay attention to his written submission (Attachment 9).  He then opened the hearing for questions and discussion.  Issues that were discussed included; other state programs like KIFC, KIFC's collaboration with the State's internet technology and OITS and KLOIS, critical infrastructure definitions, cost mechanisms, role of law enforcement with the KIFC, and the make up of the board.

Seeing no other conferees or comments, Chairman Wilborn closed the hearing.