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Dec. 15, 2019
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Minutes for HB2084 - Committee on Judiciary

Short Title

Allowing for sharing data and information between state agencies and Kansas sentencing commission.

Minutes Content for Tue, Mar 14, 2017

Jason Thompson gave a bill brief saying that the bill adds to the list of requirement of the Kansas Sentencing Commission to gather data and information from any state agency to carry out duties.


Scott Schultz shared his support for HB 2084 (Attachment 10) saying that this bill has really been a collaborative effort by the Commission consisting of nine proposals.  He went on to explain that this bill would allow the Commission to gather data it needs in order to better carry out its duties and functions. He made the point that this bill is necessary to increase efficiency because the Commission sometimes enters into agreements with other state agencies to compile and analyze data.

After a brief discussion, and seeing no further questions, Chairman Wilborn closed the hearing.


Chairman Wilborn then asked the Committee for a motion to approve minutes for the following dates:

February 13, 2017; February 14, 2017; February 15, 2017; February 16, 2017; February 20, 2017; March 7, 2017; and March 8, 2017.

Senator Fitzgerald moved that the minutes be approved, Senator Suellentrop seconded. Motion carried.

Chairman Wilborn adjourned the meeting at 11:20 AM.