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Minutes for HB2071 - Committee on Judiciary

Short Title

Sentencing for domestic battery.

Minutes Content for Tue, Mar 21, 2017

Jason Thompson gave a brief on the bill saying that it amends the statutes to make changes to sentencing for domestic battery, and he concluded his brief by explaining what the bill specifically requires and changes.


Representative Annie Kuether stated her support (Attachment 1) for the bill by sharing a personal experience of a close friend who has testified about her experience before and whose testimony is also included. She revealed that the language was not already in statute and therefore, this bill was created.

Seeing no questions or discussion, Chairman Wilborn noted the written, proponent, testimony submitted by Joyce Grover (Attachment 2) and moved on to the next order of business.


Chris Mechler shared the neutral position (Attachment 3) she has on HB 2071 and provided the Committee with information on what court services can do in these situations.

A question about current or expired protection orders being available was clarified.  After seeing no further conferees, questions, or discussion, Chairman Wilborn closed the hearing.