House Health & Human Services - 2/16/2004 Meeting


  Jim Morrison (171-W, 296-7676) Chair

Peggy Long (446-N, 296-7685) Vice Chair

Nancy Kirk (284-W, 296-7673) Ranking Minority

Bob Bethell (175-W, 296-7616)

Willa DeCastro (183-W, 296-7501)

Geraldine Flaharty (279-W, 296-7690)

Mario Goico (110-S, 296-7644)

Tom Holland (284-W, 296-7665)

Don Hill (182-W, 296-7678)

Brenda Landwehr (115-S, 296-7683)

C. Frank Miller (431-N, 296-7646)


Cindy Neighbor (556-N, 296-7663)

Doug Patterson (174-W, 296-7672)

Eber Phelps (281-W, 296-769) 

Roger Reitz (174-W, 296-7631) 

Scott Schwab (182-W, 296-7678) 

Stephanie Sharp (175-W, 296-7616) 

Judy Showalter (273-W, 296-7648) 

Sue Storm (272-W, 296-7650) 

R. J. Wilson (327-S, 296-7658) 

Jerry Williams (273-W, 296-7697)


Monday, February 16                

Approval of Committee Minutes for February 11 and February 12


Hearing on:

HB 2698 - licensure for radiologic technologists


                     Marla Rhoden, Director, Health Occupations Credentialing, Kansas Department of Health and Environment – Testimony

                     Ron Hein, Kansas Society of Radiologic Technologists (KSRT) - Testimony

                     Doug Billings, past president, KSRT - Testimony

                     Dr. James Owen, diagnostic radiologist - Testimony

                     Randy Stucky, KSRT - Testimony

                     Linda Croucher, faculty member, Washburn University rad-tech program - Testimony

                     Ron Hein, KSRT (summary)


                     Jerry Slaughter, Executive Director, Kansas Medical Society - Testimony

                     Priti Lakhani, DPM, Kansas Podiatric Medical Association - Testimony

                     Deborah Stern, Kansas Hospital Association - Testimony


                     Rebecca Rice, Kansas Chiropractic Association - Testimony
Larry Buening, Kansas Board of Healing Arts - Testimony

Written testimony only:

                     Ron Casey, registered radiologic technologist (proponent)

                     Libby and Brian Johnson, nationally registered radiologic technologist (proponent)

                     Veronica Messer, Radiology Director (proponent)

                     Carolyn Gaughan, Executive Director, Kansas Academy of Family Physicians (opponent)

                     Chip Wheelen, Kansas Association of Osteopathic Medicine (opponent)

                     David Saidian, certified nuclear medicine technologist (opponent)

                     Jacque Amspacker, Executive Director, Johnson-Wyandotte County Medical Society (opponent)


Staff briefing on:
HB 2350 - screening for newborn infants
HB 2658 - informal dispute resolution for adult care homes


Possible action on bills previously heard


 Bill Wolff, Legislative Research Department (296-4442)

 Emalene Correll, Legislative Research Department (296-4403)

 Renae Jefferies, Revisor of Statutes' Office (291-3061)

 Gary Deeter, Committee Secretary (296-7676)