Approved:       4-25-07           



The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Karin Brownlee at 8:30 A.M. on March 13, 2007 in Room 123-S of the Capitol.

All members were present except:

Laura Kelly-excused

Committee staff present:

Amy Deckard, Kansas Legislative Research Department

Kathie Sparks, Kansas Legislative Research Department

Jason Long, Revisor of Statutes

Jackie Lunn, Committee Assistant

Conferees appearing before the committee:

Senator Pete Brungardt

Dennis Lauver, Salina Chamber

Ray Barmby, Economic Development Financing Consultant

Others attending:

See attached list.

SB 83--Employment security law; contribution rates

SB 363-Rural housing incentive district act; size of counties and cities eligible

SB 156-Professional employer organization act

SB 342-Enacting the Kansas investment credit act and the Kansas jobs credit act

Chairperson Brownlee announced to the Committee that Senator Wagle would Chair the subcommittee on SB 156. She also stated they would work on SB 342 upon the completion of the hearing on SB 363 scheduled for today.

Chairperson Brownlee expressed her concerns regarding SB 83 and the fact that during the Conference Committee meeting on SB 83, Senator Hensley produced numbers on the impact of SB 83 that came from Secretary Garner, Department of Labor, which were not available to the Senate Commerce Committee while working the bill. Senator Brownlee stated that wise decisions cannot be made unless all the information is available and accurate.


Chairperson Brownlee introduced Jason Long, Revisors Office, to explain SB 363. Mr. Long stated SB 363 amends K.S.A. 12-5242 which is the definition of provisions for the Rural Housing Incentive Act. The act was enacted to encourage development and renovation of housing in rural cities and counties by authorizing cities and counties to assist directly in financing public improvements that will support such housing. The bill increases the population thresholds that define what is a rural city and rural county.

Chairperson Brownlee introduced Senator Pete Brungardt to give his testimony as a proponent of SB 363.

Senator Brugardt presented written copy. (Attachment 1) He stated the bill is a measure to advance the interests of Salina and Saline County in developing housing. Housing in the medium priced range could help attract workers for their industrial activity.

Chairperson Brownlee introduced Dennis Lauver, Salina Chamber, to give his testimony as a proponent of SB 363. Mr. Lauver presented written copy. (Attachment 2) Mr. Lauver stated availability and affordability of housing is part of the solution for Salina and Saline County. People must be able to find quality affordable housing as they consider if they want to live and work in Kansas. Salina, is moving forward with a unique community-based approach that will develop housing in the medium-priced range that is needed to help attract workers for their industrial activity.

Questions and discussion followed.

Chairperson Brownlee introduced Ray Barmby, a self employed economic development financing consultant, to give his testimony as a proponent of SB 363. Mr. Barmby presented written copy. (Attachment 3) Mr. Barmby stated the proposed bill is one that should be embraced and strongly supported by those counties if for no other reason than its adoption into law can help to sustain and in some instances, preserve counties into the future. In closing, Mr. Barmby urged the Committee to support the bill in favor of those 100 counties which are not so blessed with a Boeing, Goodyear, General Motors, Sprint or Hallmark facility.

Questions and discussion followed.

Chairperson Brownlee referred the Committee to proponent written only testimony from Jason Gage, City Manager, Salina. (Attachment 4) With no further testimony, Chairperson Brownlee closed the hearing on SB 363.

Chairperson Brownlee called the Committee’s Attention to SB 342 and turned the Chair over to Senator Jordan. Chairperson Jordan stated that Senator Brownlee had worked on amendments for the bill that reflected the outcome of the previous meeting. He introduced Jason Long, Revisor’s Office, to explain the balloon of Senator Brownlee. (Attachment 5) Mr. Long reviewed the proposed balloon for Senator Brownlee

stating some of the amendments are for cleanup, some to make the intent more clear, and others changing the thresholds.

Questions and discussion followed regarding the amendments.

Chairperson Jordan stated leadership would like for the Commerce Committee work this bill. The Committee decided to hold the bill until they can get the fiscal note.

Chairperson Jordan adjourned the meeting at 9:26 a.m. with the next scheduled meeting being March 14th at 8:30 a.m. in room 123 S.