Senate Utilities Committee Agenda for 3/12/2007

Possible action on
HB 2032 - Deregulation of municipal gas and electric utility's rates, charges and terms and conditions of service in area more than three miles outside municipality.
HB 2066 - Extension of electric transmission lines; exemption from siting requirements.
HB 2034 - Removal of sunset provision for public utility recovery of security expenditures.

Committee Members

Jay Emler (449-N, 296-7354) Chair
Pat Apple (242-E, 296-7380) Vice Chair
Janis Lee (162-E, 296-7366) Ranking Minority

Marci Francisco (422-S, 296-7364)
Mike Petersen (242-E, 296-7355)
Roger Pine (142-N, 296-7372)
Dennis Pyle (120-S, 296-7379)
Roger Reitz (261-E, 296-7360)
Mark Taddiken (222-E, 296-7371)


Raney Gilliand, Legislative Research Department (785-296-7878)
Tatiana Lin, Legislative Research Department (785-296-2802)
Mike Corrigan, Revisor of Statutes' Office (785-296-3297)
Ann McMorris, Committee Secretary (785-296-7354)


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