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Minutes for SB112 - Committee on Judiciary

Short Title

Reducing the penalty for unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia.

Minutes Content for Wed, Feb 8, 2017

Jenna Moyer gave a brief on SB 112 saying that it reduces the penalty for unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia from a class A, to a class B nonperson misdemeanor.


Nick Reinecker (Attachment 1) said that this bill doesn't make a distinction between the synthetic paraphernalia and that which is used with naturally occurring cannabis.  In addition Mr. Reinecker offered amendments that he would support.

Seeing no questions, Chairman Wilborn moved on to the next order of business.


Kim Parker (Attachment 2) said that the purpose of SB 112 is proportionality within the law. She explained that this bill is supposed to bring the penalties for possession of paraphernalia in line with previous changes to the penalties for possession of marijuana. Ms. Parker also addressed the opponents desire to classify paraphernalia would make the agencies test each item for a type of drug, increasing costs. She concluded by urging the Committee to lower the class, and not include amendments.

Seeing no questions, Chairman Wilborn referenced Jessica Glendening 's written, proponent, testimony (Attachment 3), asking the Committee to review it.  He then closed the hearing.