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Minutes for SB145 - Committee on Education

Short Title

Amending the Kansas state high school activities association school classification system.

Minutes Content for Mon, Feb 13, 2017

Chairperson Baumgardner called the meeting to order at 1:30pm. She introduced Nick Myers, Revisor of Statutes Office, and he gave a brief over-view of SB145.  Chairperson Baumgardner stated that each conferee on the agenda will get equal time, around 5 minutes each, and asked them to state their name, who they represented, and their position on the bill.

Mr. Myers stated that SB145 is self explanatory so his office did not have a memo to present at this time.  He also noted that line twenty-nine, which had student attendance being used, was stricken.

Senator Pettey asked how long this has been in statute, and Mr. Myers answered that it goes back farther than online records did.

Senator Estes asked what striking these four words does to the bill.  Mr. Myers stated the stricken words take out attendance requirements, but the Kansas State High School Activities Association (KSHSAA) will still determine requirements for the classifications of member high schools.

Senator Alley asked if this bill covers all schools, including public and private, and Mr. Myers stated just for all high schools. 

With no further questions for the Revisor of Statutes Office, Chairperson Baumgardner introduced conferees presenting testimony on SB145.


Mr. Jeff Hines, Associate Principal and Athletic Director of Paola High School, USD 368, was first to speak as a proponent.  Mr. Hines briefly discussed that he helped introduce these changes last year, and over the year he felt interest for changes to the classification system has increased.  He also noted that he helped create a survey and study,  presenting them to the Committee.  Mr. Hines stated he does not believe in a multiplier, which would move all schools up. (Attachment 1)  (Attachment 2)

Mr. Randy Heatherly, Principal of Girard Middle School, USD 248 was the second proponent.  Mr. Heatherly stated he used to serve on the board of KSHSAA and noted that the survey presented by Mr. Hines shows how much support we have.  He also noted that the Committee will hear that this is a single school issue, but he feels it is an advantage that all private schools have over their counter parts in public schools.  He commented that private schools only make up 9% of all Kansas schools. (Attachment 3)

Senators Estes, Doll, Pettey, Bollier, Alley, Hensley, and Sykes asked questions of the proponents.  The Committee discussed other states practices, as well as details of the survey they presented and who responded to the survey.

Chairperson Baumgardner stated that the Committee would now move on to opponents.


Mike Hubka, Associate Principal and Activities Director of Bishop Miege High School, was the first to speak as an opponent.  He noted that he was on the classification study committee, and it has passed the executive board but still needs to be worked on and voted on.  He noted additionally he is here to represent private schools, but has seen this issue from both sides.  Mr. Hubka believes this bill opens up discrimination for private schools, and wondered why the private schools should be punished. (Attachment 4)

Tom Davis, Headmaster of Wichita Collegiate School, spoke as the second opponent.  Mr. Davis noted he is only representing his school and believes that KSHSAA believes in equal treatment of all schools, and he also believes this change does not represent KSHSAA members.  Mr. Davis stated that he would like KSHSAA to make this decision on its own based on its membership. (Attachment 5)

Chad Meitner, Principal of Thomas More Prep-Marian Jr/Sr High Schools, spoke as an opponent.  Mr. Meitner stated that this change would punish schools-like his-that are not members of KSHAA.  Mr. Meitner noted that the Committee should look at all the variables for why some schools win more than others.  He also noted that he would love at his private school to accept more students, however, they do not have the funding.  (Attachment 6)

Dr. Jamie Finkeldei, Vice President of the Kansas Association of Independent and Religious Schools, spoke as an opponent conferee, noting that he represents one hundred and forty religious schools across Kansas.  Dr. Finkeldei discussed the survey Mr. Hines presented, noting that if we base our opinions on a survey he would like to base it off of a non-biased survey.  He noted that KSHSAA has not surveyed all members but has asked what the KSHSAA membership thought and has allowed membership to have input.  Dr. Finkeldei discussed coaching practices and how he felt this created many wins, noting he felt that there are other reasons for schools that win more than others. (Attachment 7)

Chairperson Baumgardner opened the floor up for questions to the opponents.  Senators Bollier, Pettey, Doll, Fitzgerald, and Alley asked questions and had discussion.


Gary Musselman, Executive Director of KSHSAA, presented as a neutral conferee.  Mr. Musselman noted they represent high schools, but also noted that middle schools are a part of KSHSAA but are not part of classifications.  KSHSAA represents three hundred and fifty four public schools and twenty eight private schools.  Mr. Musselman discussed contacting twelve other associations, and stated that if there was an easy answer someone would have thought of it.  Mr. Musselman gave the Committee a copy of their minutes so that the Committee can see the KSHSAA position.  Mr. Musselman also noted that changes are made by the KSHSAA Board and can take some time to vote and implement.  (Attachment 8) (Attachment 9)

Senator Bollier asked whether SB145 would it change how the KSHSAA goes about daily business and Mr. Musselman replied that it would not.

Chairperson Baumgardner asked if the Committee does not pass this bill would that prevent KSHSAA from looking at a multiplier, and if so how long would it take KSHSAA to develop a multiplier.  Mr. Musselman stated that changes wouldn't be seen until 2018-19 school year.  He also noted that the work of KSHSAA is public information, and they have done extensive work and have resources on this issue.  Mr. Musselman concluded that he hopes schools make the determination.

Chairperson Baumgardner noted that the Committee also had written testimony from opponent Dr. William Ford, President of Saint Thomas Aquinas High School. (Attachment 10)

Chairperson Baumgardner thanked all the conferees and adjourned the meeting.