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Minutes for HB2128 - Committee on Judiciary

Short Title

Allowing the governor's domestic violence fatality review board to recess for a closed or executive session.

Minutes Content for Thu, Mar 16, 2017

Jason Thompson gave a brief of the bill saying it allows the Governor's Domestic Violence Fatality Review Board to go into closed or executive session to conduct case reviews.


Brad Burke shared his support (Attachment 3) for the bill saying that the Open Meetings Act does not allow them to go into executive session, however, the bill would allow them to do so.  He explained that this is helpful when needing to talk with a victim's family members, who may not feel free to speak knowing the information shared could become public information.

During the question and discussion portion of the hearing, topics of discussion included press and community organization involvement for solutions when the meetings are "closed door", sanitation of reports interfering with the  emotional impact of a victim's story, board meeting functions, and attendance of board meetings by victims and families.

Pastor David Meyer shared support (Attachment 4) for the bill saying it makes a difference for him when he can know a name and place because it makes it more real.  He addressed the notion of sanitizing reports, saying it is a lot of extra work and limits how much can be done. Mr. Meyer concluded by reiterating that the executive session would only be for analysis of details.

Chairman Wilborn noted written only, proponent testimony submitted by Steve Kearney (Attachment 5), Joyce Grover (Attachment 6), and Steve Halley (Attachment 7).


Chairman Wilborn then noted written only, opponent testimony submitted by Doug Anstaett (Attachment 8).

Seeing no further conferees, questions, or discussion, Chairman Wilborn closed the hearing.