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Minutes for HB2468 - Committee on Judiciary

Short Title

Changing the elements and making changes to the criminal penalties of abuse of a child and creating the crime of aggravated abuse of a child.

Minutes Content for Tue, Jan 28, 2020

Natalie Scott provided an overview of HB2468. Ms. Scott stood for questions. (Attachment 1)

Kim Parker provided testimony in support for the bill. Ms. Parker explained the bill seeks to address the legal and factual questions that have plagued the determination of criminal liability when individuals commit acts of abuse against children. She stood for questions. (Attachment 2)

Written Proponent

Todd Thompson, Leavenworth County Attorney, Kansas County and District Attorney's Association. (Attachment 3)

Chairperson Patton asked the committee members to refer to the written proponent testimony in their bill folders.


Clayton J. Perkins testified in opposition to the bill. Mr Perkins explained the K.A.C.D.L. opposes the bill because it creates four new crimes that are grossly disproportionate to Kansas' current sentencing scheme, and have a troubling impact for beyond what is normally thought of when discussing child abuse. He stood for questions. (Attachment 4)

Chairperson Patton closed the hearing on the bill.