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Dec. 13, 2022
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Minutes for HB2437 - Committee on Agriculture

Short Title

Prohibiting the use of identifiable meat terms on labels or in advertisements of meat analogs without either an accompanying disclaimer that the product does not contain meat or the inclusion of the word “imitation” before the name of the meat food product being imitated.

Minutes Content for Mon, Feb 3, 2020


Vice-Chair Smith called the Committee to work HB2437 - Prohibiting the use of identifiable meat terms on labels or in advertisements of meat analogs without either an accompanying disclaimer that the product does not contain meat or the inclusion of the word “imitation” before the name of the meat food product being imitated..  He asked Kyle Hamilton, Assistant Revisor, Office of The Revisor of Statutes, to provided a review of HB2437 to the Committee.

Vice-Chair Smith opened the debate on HB2437 and stated that he had an amendment.  (Attachment 6)   Vice-Chair Smith explained the amendment to the Committee.

Vice-Chair Smith moved to amend the language in HB2437 using the Smith Amendment. Representative Thompson seconded the motion.  The motion to amend passed on a voice vote.    

Representative Xu presented an amendment to HB2437, as amended. (Attachment 7)   Representative Xu explained his amendment and answered questions from the Committee.

Representative Xu moved to amend the language in HB2437 as amended. Representative Probst seconded the motion. Division was called.  The motion failed 4 to 10.

Representative Thompson moved to favorably pass HB2437 as amended. Representative Blex seconded the motion.  The motion passed on a voice vote.


Vice-Chair Smith adjourned the meeting at 4:03pm.