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July 26, 2024
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2023 Statute

Section Number

74-4901 - Purpose of act.
74-4902 - Definitions.
74-4903 - System established; powers and duties.
74-4904 - Actions brought by or against the system; personal liability of trustees, officers, employees and agents; settlements as public records; process; hearings involving orders or decisions of the board; review.
74-4905 - Board of trustees; membership; qualifications; terms; vacancies; substantial interests prohibited, disclosure; investigations by KBI or other agency, confidentiality.
74-4906 - Board of trustees; meetings; quorum; compensation.
74-4907 - Principal office of system; records, inspection; annual report.
74-4908 - Executive director, appointment, compensation and duties; actuary, duties, experience study, frequency; legal services; appointment of other officers and employees; bonus award program.
74-4908a - Independent actuarial audit and evaluation of actuarial services; requirements; employment of actuary.
74-4909 - Powers and duties of board and investment committee; rules and regulations; accounts and records system; meetings, open to public, record; actuarial data; investments; financial statement; confidentiality of member's account and records, exception; plan for internal management of investment and reinvestment of fund; procurement policies; contracts; travel authorization.
74-4909a - KPERS board; study of conversion of system from deferred benefit plans to deferred contribution plans.
74-4909b - KPERS board; fee charged for investment and management services.
74-4910 - Participating employers; application to affiliate; resolution; referendum, when; affiliation of employees; state participating employer on entry date; Kansas turnpike authority; judges and others being paid by a participating employer; affiliation of certain governmental entities or instrumentalities; proposal for affiliation, estimate of employer's contribution rate.
74-4910a - Kansas advocacy board as eligible employer.
74-4911 - Eligible employees; membership date; employees who become members as a result of a merger or consolidation; membership election by elected officials and employees of state board of regents; employees in military service or on leave of absence.
74-4911a - Validity of certain elections not to participate; effective date.
74-4911c - Membership election for persons barred prior to July 1, 1982, for coverage by other systems; limitation.
74-4911d - Membership election for certain persons employed on June 17, 1983; procedure; effect.
74-4911e - Election by elected officials to continue membership after service terminates; employer and employee rates of contribution, limitations; revocation; application of Kansas public employees retirement act.
74-4911f - Election by certain state officers to not be a member of system; filing; participation in deferred compensation plan; contribution by state.
74-4911i - Certain employees of participating employers who are members of local plan are exempt from KPERS membership.
74-4912 - Consolidation of other systems with state system; resolution; requirements.
74-4912a - Transfer of assets of certain retirement funds to KPERS; retirement of actuarial accrued liability; members to be special members of KPERS.
74-4912b - Membership in system by certain members of local plan involved in transfer with a participating employer; election; eligibility; credited service.
74-4913 - Credited service; prior service credit; participating service credit.
74-4914 - Normal retirement date; service after retirement; early retirement; employment after retirement, limitations, requirements, waiver of penalties and third-party entities; members as a result of a merger or consolidation.
74-4914a - Retirement date for certain employees of the department of corrections; security officer defined.
74-4914b - Same; application of K.S.A. 74-4901 through 74-4929.
74-4914c - Certain correctional employees; normal and early retirement dates; early retirement benefit reduction.
74-4914d - Certain employees of department of corrections; employer contribution rate.
74-4914e - Disability benefits for correctional employees; insured benefit inapplicable; death of employee, payment of benefits.
74-4915 - Retirement benefits, prior and participating service; early retirement benefit reduction; refund contributions to beneficiary upon retirant's death, when; failure to file application for benefits, effect; certification of member contributions by participating employers, overpayment of benefits, adjustment and responsibility.
74-4915a - Retirement benefits for members ineligible due to a reduction in hours.
74-4915b - Retirement benefits for certain members of the legislature; exceptions; service credit; reporting requirements of participating employers.
74-4915c - Retirement benefits for certain elected local officials; exceptions; service credit.
74-4916 - Payment of accumulated contributions upon death; accidental death benefit; accidental total disability benefit.
74-4917 - Termination of employment; payment of accumulated contributions; certification of member contributions by participating employer; vesting of benefits, members as a result of a merger or consolidation; return to covered employment, condition, repayment of withdrawn accumulated contributions.
74-4917b - Termination of employment; payment of accumulated contributions; spousal consent; statement required.
74-4918 - Retirement benefit options; elections of member and spouse; cancellation in certain circumstances; joint annuitants.
74-4918a - Retirement benefit options; spousal consent; statement required.
74-4919 - Member contributions; deductions; disposition; interest; employer pickup of member contributions.
74-4919a - Purchase of participating service credit.
74-4919b - Reinstatement of service for certain forfeited service.
74-4919c - Election to have membership contributions deducted at a percentage of compensation, when; additional participating service credit; limitations.
74-4919d - Receipt of prior service credit; limit; reinstatement of prior service credit upon repayment of withdrawn contributions, when.
74-4919e - Revocation of election; new election after termination and withdrawal.
74-4919f - Election to repurchase; lump-sum payment; determination of amount.
74-4919g - Repurchase by certain members of certain forfeited service credit under KSRS; lump-sum payment, determination of amount; purchase of forfeited service credit by certain employees of Sedgwick County.
74-4919h - Purchase of participating service credit for certain military service; terms and conditions; payroll deductions or lump-sum payment.
74-4919i - Purchase of additional benefits for certain service; conditions; purchase by additional rate of contribution or lump-sum payment; service benefit.
74-4919j - Purchase of participating service credit for service as an elected official.
74-4919k - Election by certain members age 70 or older to make contributions and purchase certain service credit; procedure; effect.
74-4919l - Repurchase of previously forfeited service credit.
74-4919m - Purchase of participating service by previous TIAA-CREF members.
74-4919n - Purchase of additional benefits for nonfederal governmental employment.
74-4919o - Purchase of participating service credit for certain members of local police and fire pension plan.
74-4919p - Purchase of prior service for certain service in the United States peace corps.
74-4919q - Purchase of prior service for certain service with memorial union corporation affiliated with Emporia state university.
74-4919r - Purchase of service for in-state nonfederal governmental employment.
74-4919s - Purchase of service for VISTA service.
74-4919u - Purchase of participating service credit for service as law enforcement personnel in support of united nations mission.
74-4919v - Purchase of participating service credit for certain journeyman service as teacher.
74-4920 - Employer contributions; determination and payment; tax levies, use of proceeds; rates of contribution for state and school employers, procedure; delinquent payments and interest, setoff against; rate of contribution to be paid by employers newly affiliating; actuarial cost of new enactments; amortization.
74-4921 - Kansas public employees retirement fund, management and investment thereof; investment standards and objectives; alternative and real estate investments, conditions of investment; contracts with investment managers; custody of the fund.
74-4922 - Reserves of the fund; crediting of interest.
74-4923 - Rights of members and beneficiaries not affected by change or repeal of act, exception; benefits and rights exempt from taxes and legal process and nonassignable, exceptions for decrees for support and maintenance and qualified domestic relations orders and lump-sum death benefit assigned to a funeral establishment; recovery of arrearage obligations and debts owed state agencies.
74-4924 - False information, criminal penalty; correction of errors; withdrawal of contributions, deduction from amounts due; limitations on recovery by system; system to not recover certain overpayments.
74-4924a - Recovery of benefits inadvertently paid to certain retirants.
74-4925 - Retirement plan for certain employees of the state board of regents; membership; employee contributions; KPERS prior service credit; certain employee elections; administration of plan.
74-4925a - Benefits granted to certain surviving spouses.
74-4925b - Regents employees; contribution of portion of compensation to retirement plan; eligibility.
74-4925e - Same; employer contribution rate for retirement plan.
74-4925g - Certain regent retirants designated as special members.
74-4926 - Invalidity of part.
74-4927 - Plan of death and long-term disability benefits; employer contributions, limitation; optional death benefit plan; naming of beneficiaries.
74-4927a - Insured death and disability benefits for certain employees of educational institutions under state board of regents.
74-4927b - Insured death and disability benefits and accidental death benefit for certain employees of educational institutions under state board of education; employer's contribution; file of beneficiaries.
74-4927c - Insured death and disability benefit and accidental death benefit for employees of state fulfilling one-year continuous service requirement; employer's contribution; file of beneficiaries; commencement of coverage.
74-4927d - Optional death benefit plan eligibility for active members of judges' retirement system.
74-4927e - Optional death benefit plan for active members and certain participating employers of Kansas police and firemen's retirement system.
74-4927f - Insured death benefit for members of judges' retirement system; employer's contribution; commencement of coverage.
74-4927g - Insured death and disability benefit and accidental death benefit for certain employees of educational institutions under state board of regents fulfilling service requirement; employer contributions.
74-4927h - Accidental death benefits for certain employees of educational institutions under state board of regents.
74-4927j - Insured death and disability benefit and accidental death benefit for members of system with participating employers other than the state fulfilling one-year continuous service requirement.
74-4927k - Insured death and disability benefit and accidental death benefit for certain state officers; inapplicable to certain persons employed by the legislative branch.
74-4927l - Insured death and disability benefit and accidental death benefit for certain members of the legislature who are not members of KPERS.
74-4927m - Plan of death long-term disability benefits; insufficient resources; loan by pooled money investment board; repayment.
74-4928 - Eligibility for membership of certain persons; conditions.
74-4929 - Requirement to become affiliated when municipal consolidations occur.
74-4930 - Employer contributions; when certain additional costs reflected.
74-4931 - Eligible employers; participating employers; entry date.
74-4931a - Kansas state high school activities association, eligible employer.
74-4931b - Same; payment of contributions; benefits of membership conferred.
74-4932 - Definitions.
74-4933 - Application of KPERS provisions to school employees; nonforfeitable benefits; nonapplication of state school retirement act.
74-4934 - Administration of state school retirement system; transfers of moneys and securities; credit to members' accounts; executive secretary; transfer of employees.
74-4935 - Eligible employees.
74-4935a - Option of certain employees to become members; entry date for members so electing; transfer of accumulations; conditions applicable to members who elect hereunder; final average salary, defined.
74-4935b - KSRS members as special members of KPERS; assets, liabilities and unfunded obligations for benefits; increased savings annuity.
74-4936 - Credited service; prior service credit; participating service credit.
74-4936a - Purchase of additional benefits for out-of-state public school or overseas teaching employment.
74-4937 - Normal retirement date of certain members in school employment; early retirement; employment after retirement, limitations, requirements.
74-4938 - Retirement benefits; annual benefits; vested benefits; minimum benefits.
74-4939 - Employee and employer contributions; certification of employer rate and information.
74-4939a - Employer contributions for school districts; distribution; disbursement; procedures for school districts; remittance to KPERS.
74-4940 - Compensation of members in school employment; times of payment.
74-4941 - Invalidity of part.
74-4942 - Payment to qualify as employee of certain former suspended annuitants.
74-4943 - Increase in retirement benefits, pensions and annuities to persons entitled thereto on June 30, 1971; effective July 1, 1972; application and exceptions.
74-4944 - Same; funding of increase; past service cost.
74-4945 - Increase in retirement benefits for certain persons; schedule; past service cost.
74-4946 - Postretirement benefit increase for certain retirants; schedule; minimum and maximum; past service cost.
74-4947 - Postretirement benefit increases for payments after June 30, 1982, for certain retirants; local school annuitant increases paid by school district.
74-4948 - Postretirement benefit increases for payments after June 30, 1985, for certain retirants; local school annuitant increases paid by school district.
74-4949 - Postretirement benefit increases for payments after June 30, 1986, for certain retirants; local school annuitant increases paid by school district.
74-4950 - Postretirement benefit increases for payments after June 30, 1987, for certain retirants; local school annuitant increases paid by school district.
74-4950a - Postretirement benefit increases for payments after June 30, 1988, for certain retirants; local school annuitant increases paid by school district.
74-4950b - Postretirement benefit increase for payments after June 30, 1989, for certain retirants; local school annuitant increases paid by school district.
74-4950c - Postretirement benefit increase for payments after June 30, 1990, for certain retirements; local school annuitant increases paid by school district.
74-4950d - Postretirement benefit increase for payments after June 30, 1991, for certain retirants; local school annuitant increases paid by school district.
74-4950e - Postretirement benefit increase for payments after June 30, 1992, for certain retirants; local school annuitant increases paid by school district.
74-4950f - Postretirement benefit increase for payments after June 30, 1993, for certain retirants; local school annuitant increases paid by school district.
74-4950g - Postretirement benefit increase for payment after June 30, 1994, for certain retirants; local school annuitant increases paid by school districts.
74-4950h - Postretirement benefit increase for certain retirants of state school retirement system.
74-4950i - Postretirement benefit increase for payment after June 30, 1998, for certain retirants.
74-4950j - Postretirement benefit increase for certain retirants of the state school retirement system.
74-4951 - Purpose of act.
74-4952 - Definitions.
74-4953 - Creation of Kansas police and firemen's retirement system as division of Kansas public employees retirement system; administration.
74-4954 - Eligible employers; application to affiliate; resolution; employees covered; affiliation of consolidated fire district.
74-4954a - Emergency medical service technicians; defined as fireman; affiliation by county or city.
74-4954b - Option of certain employers to affiliate with Kansas police and firemen's retirement system; entry date of employees; definition of credited service; application of Kansas public employees retirement system act.
74-4955 - Eligible employees.
74-4955a - Eligible employees for and employees required to be covered by the provisions of K.S.A. 74-4957a, 74-4958a, 74-4960a, 74-4963a and 74-4964a.
74-4956 - Credited service; prior service credit; additional prior service credit with a participating employer other than entry date employer; participating service credit.
74-4957 - Normal retirement date; early retirement; eligibility; employment after retirement with previous employer.
74-4957a - Normal retirement date for members appointed or employed on or after July 1, 1989, or who elected pursuant to K.S.A. 74-4955a; early retirement; eligibility; employment after retirement with previous employer.
74-4958 - Retirement benefits; early retirement benefit reduction; death of retirant, lump-sum and annual spouse's benefit; refund of contributions to beneficiary.
74-4958a - Retirement benefits for members appointed or employed on or after July 1, 1989, or who elected pursuant to K.S.A. 74-4955a; early retirement benefit reduction; death of retirant, lump-sum and annual spouse's benefit; refund of contributions to beneficiary.
74-4959 - Death benefits.
74-4960 - Disability benefits; procedures and reports.
74-4960a - Disability benefits for members appointed or employed on or after July 1, 1989, or who elected pursuant to K.S.A. 74-4955a; procedures and reports; Michael Wells memorial act.
74-4962 - Payment of benefits.
74-4963 - Termination of employment; payment of accumulated contributions; vesting of benefits; return to covered employment, conditions, purchase of service credit for previously forfeited service.
74-4963a - Termination of employment for members appointed or employed on or after July 1, 1989, or who elected pursuant to K.S.A. 74-4955a to become a member; payment of accumulated contributions; vesting of benefits; return to covered employment, condition, purchase of service credit for previously forfeited service credit.
74-4964 - Retirement benefit options; elections of member and spouse; joint annuitants.
74-4964a - Retirement benefit options for members appointed or employed on or after July 1, 1989, or who elected pursuant to K.S.A. 74-4955a; elections of member and spouse; joint annuitants.
74-4965 - Member contributions; payroll deductions; disposition; interest; service credit for certain members, payment of additional contributions; employer pickup of member contributions.
74-4965a - Purchase of participating service credit for certain military service; terms and conditions.
74-4965b - Purchase of participating service credit for in-state nonfederal governmental employment.
74-4966 - Reductions of benefits in relation to social security for certain members who are members of Brazelton class.
74-4967 - Employer contributions; determination and payment; tax levy, use of proceeds; actuarial cost of new enactments.
74-4968 - Retirement fund; investments; reserves.
74-4969 - Severability.
74-4970 - Application for benefits; time limitation.
74-4971 - Entry of Kansas highway patrol into system.
74-4972 - Definition of "patrolman" and "patrolmen."
74-4975 - Members subject to provisions of Kansas police and firemen's retirement system; mandatory retirement, disallowed; member contributions.
74-4976 - Employer contributions; included in budget; exception for first year.
74-4977 - Termination of employment; conditions for prior service credit upon returning to employment.
74-4978 - Certain patrolmen not affected by act.
74-4978a - Entry date for Kansas highway patrol for certain patrolmen.
74-4978c - Exception to definition of "final average salary."
74-4978d - Special members of Kansas police and firemen's retirement system; preservation of certain prior benefits of special members.
74-4978e - Application of certain laws to members electing under K.S.A. 74-4978b.
74-4978f - Abolition of state highway patrol pension board; transfer of powers and assets; credit of contributions.
74-4978g - Preservation of entitlement to receive pension or other benefit from state highway patrol pension fund; benefits for minor children of certain deceased members; conditions for payments; termination of payments; exemption of pension and benefits from taxes and civil liability.
74-4978h - Employee contributions of special members.
74-4978i - Employer contributions for members electing under K.S.A. 74-4978b and special members; amortization of accrued liability.
74-4978j - Affiliation of Kansas highway patrol for membership of members of capitol police; payment of obligations; membership; requirements of members and employer.
74-4978k - Affiliation of Kansas highway patrol for membership of members of the motor carriers inspection staff; payment of obligations; membership; requirements of members and employer.
74-4978l - Affiliation of office of state fire marshal for membership of certain employees; payment of obligations; membership; requirements of members and employer.
74-4978m - Affiliation of adjutant general for membership of firefighters serving 190th Kansas air national guard; payment of obligations; membership; requirements of members and employer.
74-4978n - Affiliation of the Kansas department of wildlife and parks for membership of certain law enforcement officers and employees; payment of obligations; membership; requirements of members and employer.
74-4979 - Entry of Kansas bureau of investigation into system.
74-4980 - Definition of "agent."
74-4982 - Continuation of membership in the Kansas bureau of investigation pension system; termination of membership.
74-4983 - Members subject to provisions of Kansas police and firemen's retirement system; mandatory retirement, disallowed; member contributions.
74-4984 - Employer contributions; included in the budget; exception for first year.
74-4985 - Termination of employment; conditions for prior service credit upon returning to employment.
74-4986 - Certain agents not affected by act.
74-4986a - Abolition of Kansas bureau of investigation pension board; transfer of powers and assets; credit of contributions.
74-4986b - Preservation of entitlement to receive pension or other benefit from KBI pension fund.
74-4986c - Employer contributions for Kansas bureau of investigation; amortization of accrued liability.
74-4986d - Increase in retirement benefits for certain persons; schedule.
74-4986e - Same; increases accrue from July 1, 1973.
74-4986f - Affiliation with system by educational institution for university police officers; definitions.
74-4986g - Same; application for affiliation; credited service.
74-4986h - Same; election to become a member by a university police officer.
74-4986i - Same; application of K.S.A. 74-4951 through 74-4970; employee contributions; deductions.
74-4986j - Same; employer contributions.
74-4986k - Deferred retirement option program.
74-4986l - Definitions.
74-4986m - Same; interest credits.
74-4986n - Election; requirements; continued service.
74-4986o - Same; accrual calculation; recalculation of final average salary for accumulated sick and annual leave compensation at retirement; lump sum credit.
74-4986p - Termination events.
74-4986q - Same; distributions.
74-4986r - Expiration of DROP program act.
74-4987 - Consolidation and affiliation of certain state and local retirement systems with state retirement system.
74-4988 - Credit for service and compensation under other systems, when; service credit for participating service in certain retirement systems; withdrawal of contributions of other systems in certain retirement circumstances; use of service by certain members to attain vesting under new KPERS act.
74-4989 - Lump-sum death benefit for retirants.
74-4990 - Contribution arrearage obligations; reports; remittance; purchase of service credit by member; stipulated compensation paid pursuant to certain settlements.
74-4991 - Membership in public employees retirement system authorized for members of legislature; entry date.
74-4992 - Membership in public employees retirement system authorized for members of the legislature; certain elections concerning membership or participation; repurchase of previously forfeited legislative service.
74-4993 - Same; rights, duties, liabilities and benefits for members; computation of prior service annual salary.
74-4994 - Same; duplication of service credit or benefits; computation of prior service annual salary and final average salary; calculation of benefits when member of the legislature is special member and member of another system.
74-4995 - Same; employee and employer contributions; rate of compensation elected by member of the legislature; revocation of such election prohibited.
74-4996 - Same; act supplemental to Kansas public employees retirement act; first retirement date.
74-4997 - Same; severability.
74-4998 - Same; rights under act; waiver of rights under K.S.A. 46-1301.
74-4998a - Membership and service credit for certain legislative service which was not covered by social security; basis for benefit computation; benefits for spouses of certain deceased former legislators.
74-4998b - Elected state officials; election as special member; termination of election; revocation by special member; definition.
74-4998c - Same; contributions; deductions; employer pickup of member contributions.
74-4998d - Same; retirement benefits; final average salary; retirement benefit options.
74-4998e - Same; retirement benefits; vesting, application.
74-4998f - Same; employer contributions; determination and payment.
74-4998g - Elected state official provision supplemental to KPERS act.
74-4999 - Persons formerly members of court reporters retirement system made members or special members of Kansas public employees retirement system; statutes applicable.
74-49,100 - Abolition of Kansas retirement fund for official court reporters; transfer of assets to Kansas public employees retirement fund; credit of contributions; authorizing transfer endorsements; rights of members nonforfeitable.
74-49,101 - Request for appropriation for employer contribution; rate for fiscal 1976.
74-49,102 - Employee contributions for members and special members under K.S.A. 74-4999; payroll deductions.
74-49,103 - Prior and participating service credit, prior service salary and account interest for members under K.S.A. 74-4999.
74-49,104 - Special members under K.S.A. 74-4999, court reporters; normal retirement date and retirement benefit.
74-49,105 - Same; retirement benefit exempt from taxes and legal process; exception, qualified domestic relations order.
74-49,106 - Benefit entitlement of special members under K.S.A. 74-4999; recalculation for increased benefit; exemption from taxes and legal process.
74-49,107 - Administration of official court reporters retirement system by KPERS board.
74-49,108 - Nonjudicial personnel of state court system; credited service for eligible personnel.
74-49,108a - Application of K.S.A. 74-4999 et seq. to certain court reporters.
74-49,109 - Definitions.
74-49,110 - Retirant dividend payment reserve in KPERS fund; annual credits.
74-49,111 - Retirant dividend payments; determination of amount, limitation; charges to retirement system.
74-49,112 - Same; payments to local school annuitants.
74-49,113 - Retirant dividend payments; payments to insured disability benefit recipients.
74-49,114a - Retirant dividend payment October 1, 2000, for certain retirants.
74-49,114b - Retirant dividend payment, October 1, 2007, for certain retirants.
74-49,114c - Retirant dividend payment, October 1, 2008, for certain retirants.
74-49,115 - Computation of benefits for officers and employees when rate of computation is reduced or when placed on furlough.
74-49,116 - Payments due system by participating employer who employs retirant.
74-49,117 - Benefits on behalf of full-time students.
74-49,122 - Compensation in excess of limitations set forth in internal revenue code; requirements and limitations.
74-49,123 - Applicability of certain federal internal revenue code provisions to the Kansas public employees retirement system.
74-49,124 - Administration of Kansas public employees retirement fund; application of federal internal revenue code; vesting in employee contributions and retirement benefits of members.
74-49,125 - Benefit increases; application of K.S.A. 74-49,123.
74-49,126 - Payment of accumulated leave or other payments to retirants; payment of actuarial liability; lump-sum or amortization of payment.
74-49,127 - Payments to beneficiaries.
74-49,128 - Nature of certain benefits; not regulated by insurance department.
74-49,129 - Revenue bonds to finance unfunded liability of Kansas public employees retirement system; requirements and procedures.
74-49,130 - 74-49,130.Revenue bonds to finance unfunded liability related to certain regents retirants designated as special members and certain 13th check recipients; requirements and procedures.
74-49,131 - Deposit of employer contributions for 13th check recipients in KDFA series 2003H bond debt service fund; powers and duties of executive secretary; transfer of certain amounts to state general fund.
74-49,131a - Revenue bonds not to exceed $1 billion to finance unfunded actuarial pension liability of Kansas public employees retirement system; requirements, limitations and procedure.
74-49,131b - Revenue bonds not to exceed $500 million to finance unfunded actuarial pension liability of Kansas public employees retirement system; requirements, limitations and procedure.
74-49,134 - Member election for contributions and benefits.
74-49,135 - Member election related to member contributions and benefits.
74-49,136 - Financial compliance audits; selection of firm.
74-49,137 - Same; performance of firm; submission of documents; written report; duty of confidentiality.
74-49,201 - Kansas public employees retirement act of 2009; administration by KPERS board; conflicts; application of act to members and employers.
74-49,202 - Definitions.
74-49,203 - Membership, new and non-vested employees; election by certain members.
74-49,204 - Normal retirement date; application to school employment.
74-49,205 - Retirement benefit, determination; participating service; one-time redetermination benefit payment for certain members.
74-49,206 - Early retirement.
74-49,207 - Security officers; normal retirement date; early retirement.
74-49,208 - Vesting of benefits.
74-49,209 - Retirement benefit options, election by member or spouse; determination of benefit.
74-49,210 - Member contributions.
74-49,211 - Employer contributions.
74-49,212 - Adjustment of employee rate of contribution; circumstances.
74-49,301 - Kansas public employees retirement act of 2015; application of act to members, employers and non-vested employees; administration by KPERS board; application of provisions of K.S.A. 74-4901 et seq.
74-49,302 - Definitions.
74-49,303 - Establishment of plan; assets held in trust; retirement annuity account and annuity savings account.
74-49,304 - Powers and duties of board.
74-49,305 - Member contributions.
74-49,306 - Annuity savings account; interest credits; additional interest credits, determination; vesting; credits upon termination.
74-49,307 - Employer credits; change; employer contributions to death and disability fund.
74-49,308 - Retirement annuity account; interest credits; additional interest credits, determination; credits upon termination.
74-49,309 - Forfeiture of certain credits upon termination of plan membership in certain circumstances.
74-49,310 - Distribution of nonvested member's annuity savings account upon termination of service or death; payout options.
74-49,311 - Distribution of eligible vested member's annuity savings account; annuity and lump-sum options; benefit for spouse of member who dies before normal retirement date.
74-49,312 - Vesting; nonforfeitability; restoration of service and credits of certain members who return to active service.
74-49,313 - Payment of retirement annuity upon retirement; interest rate; form of benefit; annuity and lump-sum options; cost-of-living adjustment feature; benefit for spouse of member who dies before normal retirement date; mandatory form of distribution for certain small accounts.
74-49,314 - Application of federal internal revenue code to benefit payments.
74-49,315 - Determination of beneficiary; lump-sum death benefit for retirants.
74-49,316 - Death and disability benefit coverage.
74-49,317 - Application of certain sections of Kansas public employees retirement system act regarding federal internal revenue code, exceptions.
74-49,318 - Electronic and written account statements, requirements; electronic benefits estimate calculator.
2024. Powered by KLISS. Rendered: 2024-07-26T20:48:09. Head Rev No: 792057(I)